Coming Soon

This Web site is under construction. Until it is up and running, you can contact me directly for information about ordering notecard sets. These sets consist of 10 original photos in a variety of categories – from “Serenity” and “Bliss” to “Downeast” and “City Stroll”.

My mission is simple – to sell notecards, designed for everyday use, and have all the proceeds go to organizations doing humanitarian work worldwide. I have been inspired by Half the Sky, by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, and have already donated over $2000 to several organizations -- from local groups in the US, to Amurtel doing international work, and Refugees International.

Please contact me -

“The nature of a friendly object is that is manifests human relevance. What you make of it is pretty much up to you.” Peter Pragnell, Architect